Our Professional Process


We grow businesses and save you administrative costs. Below is our tried and true professional process for building custom websites that are mobile-friendly.

  • Discovery

    After a deep diver in understanding what it is necessary to accomplish with your website, we make sure that we have everything we need to begin the project. This includes your domain and hosting details if necessary.

  • Sitemap

     Next, we organize all the information for the website into a hierarchical and meaningful structure to make it easy for users to find what they need and easy for website owners to publish their story.

  • Prototype

    Then we produce a prototype or "proof of concept" to see how the website might work in the browser and see how users might interact with it. Once this is finalized, then we design an interface for the website.

  • Coding & Design

    The next phase is where we spin a beautiful prototype and interface into a fully working website. It's all very technical here so we won't bore you with the details. Needless to say, we spend a lot of time indoors during this process.

  • Launch

    Finally, we put your new website through our pre-launch checklist and then launch it into cyberspace so that the rest of the world can visit it on computers, tablets, and smartphones. Whew!

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