Excellent Support

Excellent Support

Tech support comes in all shapes and sizes. You’ll find everything from super generic troubleshooting to specialists who knows your software inside and out.

You should choose your support team like you would choose a medical professional. If you had problems with your eyesight, would you go to a veterinarian? Sure, a vet might be able to help you, but it would be pretty general advice. You’d get much better results from an Optometrist. So look for a Web Care Plan that specializes in your type of website for the best possible results.

Also, make sure you sign up with a team you trust and who cares about your business. There are lots of geeks out there who can troubleshoot and fix technical issues, but do they know who your target audience is and what your business goals are? Will they offer you advice or help you make smarter decisions about your online business?

These are important questions to ask yourself when shopping for web care plans. At JDWeb Solutions, we care about each client we serve. Our plans are tailored to make sure they are getting the most out of their online business.

It’s our duty as Web Professionals to provide the best web care possible to support them in reaching those goals. We are Google-certified & Web Care Plan Certified, and Certified Digital Business Consultants to boot!



darius at wordcampdc -004


If you would like help to deploy a solution you read about in our blog, please get in touch! We have three Solution Packages, along with Web Care Plans, and a Digital Depot that includes Logo Design and many more digital expert services.

Pictured here is our official mascot: "Super D"! He helped his mom (who happens to be the owner & founder of JDWeb) at a recent WordCamp (WordPress Conference). We are always learning more to provide you with the latest & best solutions.