How Did COVID-19 Affect JDWeb Solutions?

We Did Not Know What to Expect

I’ll admit that I was not sure what the impact would be on JDWeb Solutions when COVID-19 marched onto the scene in 2020. In fact, I was rather surprised by the very pleasant impact that this season of time had on our agency. Clients were calling our phone off the hook! Suddenly, everyone got it, the importance of “going virtual.” For years we had consulted many clients on the way they could increase engagement and income by implementing virtual solutions. Almost overnight it was no longer a choice. It was “swim virtually or sink!”

Loss of Life

First, let me say that in a time when many businesses shut down or were adversely affected, we are tremendously grateful that we were able to be the knight in shining armor to so many small businesses and organizations. Make no mistake about it, COVID-19 did affect some of our staff. One person’s mother, husband, and daughter all contracted coronavirus which affected her ability to work on JDWeb projects on various occasions. Another team member loss her father during this time when he was having complications due to other health issues and decided to receive the COVID vaccine and consequently was diagnosed with COVID. One of our clients contracted the coronavirus, and one of our clients very sadly passed away during this time.

So yes, we were affected, but not in the ways many businesses have been who are now closed down for good.

We are Still Here to Help

If you have inventory in your physical brick & mortar shops that you cannot sell, give us a call! If you need to pivot your restaurant to dispatch orders, you can use Door Dash or let us build you a Door Dash-like solution to put more money in your pocket. Maybe you have more time at home and are dreaming up products that we can help you sell online. It’s a great time to put your knowledge into an online course and allow people to take your course online. We have so many ideas that we love to share with our clients. This is just part of the great value that comes when you partner with JDWeb Solutions. We literally have you top of mind when we run across solutions that we believe will help you succeed, and we share them!

2021 and Beyond

While we know some of our clients are still making adjustments, there is surely a future hope for you and your hope will not be cut off (  ). Be encouraged by that! Don’t forget to have faith and trust in the Ultimate Creator who is still large and in charge. In 2021, JDWeb is pleased to have finally launched its long-overdue new website! There is a saying: the cobbler’s kids never have any shoes. In our case, we so often put our client projects first and ours last until we realized that our clients go to our website looking for signs of vibrant life in this COVID-19 world and that we have, gratefully. While normal may forever be a new normal in many aspects, we are committed to staying here for our clients and their projects. We are very blessed to have loyal clients who trust us, and we take that very seriously. To all of you who trust us and believe in what we are doing here at JDWeb Solutions, thank you. Todah rabah, HalleuYahuah!

darius at wordcampdc -004


If you would like help to deploy a solution you read about in our blog, please get in touch! We have three Solution Packages, along with Web Care Plans, and a Digital Depot that includes Logo Design and many more digital expert services.

Pictured here is our official mascot: "Super D"! He helped his mom (who happens to be the owner & founder of JDWeb) at a recent WordCamp (WordPress Conference). We are always learning more to provide you with the latest & best solutions.