Website Project Questions (2023) Website Project Questions Type your answers into the fields below, then click the blue button at the very bottom. Step 1 of 3 33% NAME* First Last EMAIL* PHONE* Your BusinessYour Organization or Business Name Describe your company briefly. For example, what does it do? What products or services do you offer? Or what is your organization's mission?What are your website goals? Please use S.M.A.R.T. goals (i.e., "S"pecific, "M"easurable, "A"chievable, "R"elevant, and "T"ime-bound). For example, "I want to see a 5% increase in sales in 6 months" or "I would like to see 10 new clients from the website every 30 months."*Do you have a current website? If yes, what do you like about your current website? What if anything does it do to serve the business well and why?Your Target AudienceTalk to me about your ideal client or customer. Who are they? How old are they? Are they adults or children? Men or women? What places do they frequent online? What are their needs or interests?Why do your customers prefer you? Why do they choose your products and services? For example: cost, value, information, etc.What are the action(s) a visitor should take when coming to your website? What do you ultimately want them to do? For example: make purchase, contact you, become a client, search information, subscribe to your database, download information, etc.If known, list the website addresses of your top competitors. We want to make sure we can make your site better than theirs 🙂What do you like/dislike about your competitor's websites?Tell me more info about your competitors. Which ones are competing for the attention of your ideal clients of customers? What things are your any of your competitors doing that you think is working? Design ConceptWhen people visit your website, how do you want them to feel? Please use adjectives to describe how the user should perceive the new site. For example: fun, friendly, cutting edge, simple, elegant, professional, etc.Please list any websites you specifically like design-wise and tell us why you like the design.What Does Success Look Like?One year from now, what will make you confident that a website was worth the effort & investment? What measurable results do you expect? For example, would success be measured by how many website visitors? The number sales or contributions? The number of leads or new customers? Please be as detailed and specific as possible to this answer.Have you allocated a budget for this project? Yes No Are you ready to invest financially to see your goals listed above become a reality?* Yes No Please select a range*-- Select One --Under $2k$2-$5K$5-$10K$10-$20KOver $20KPlease explain why you do not want to invest to gain ROI from this project?*If you are not the decision maker for hiring JDWeb Solutions, please enter the name(s) of the decision maker(s) below. First Last Referral InfoWhat made you decide to try out JDWeb Solutions?-- Select One --Referral from Someone I KnowPortfolioI Liked Someone Else's Site You DidYour Website PresentationOtherHow did you hear about JDWeb Solutions?-- Select One --Search Engine (e.g., Google Search)Word of MouthAdvertisementOtherWho referred you? We would like to thanks them! First Last We would like to thank them!Description for "Other"* Additional Comments (Optional) Δ